Dog First Aid training courses in Stirling and Central Scotland

Canine first aid and welfare training

We run professional courses in Stirling covering the Central Scotland area generally.  Specialising in dog first aid, enabling you to perform life-saving initial care on your dog until you can get professional veterinary care. Your ability to perform vital dog first aid could make all the difference. You will learn routines that you can use as part of your regular dog and general pet care and new skills that will allow you to diagnose issues with your dog as early as possible.  You will also learn how to maintain a safe environment for your dog as well as preparing for emergencies at home, work, holidays, out-of-hours vet care etc. The cost of the course is £50 and the maximum number of students is 12 per course.

The first aid courses are held in Stirling.  However if you are a group that would prefer the training at your location please get in contact to discuss this further.

For £50 you will get the following:

Full details of the course content can be viewed in our dog first aid course syllabus, and you can also apply for the next available course.

    • 3.5 hours of instruction
    • FREE ProTrainings video refresher email

    • ProTrainings certificate (valid for 3 years)
    • Certificate CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Statement
    • FREE Dog First Aid Manual (PDF)
    • Tea and Coffee

This training is ideal for dog owners or dog professionals such as dog walkers, dog groomers and kennel staff.  It covers the main dog first aid subjects, although this information is also suitable for most other animals.  Understanding basic first aid for your dog will give you the skills to assist and prevent it from getting worse before professional veterinary help is provided.

K9 First Aid are registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

See when the next course is available.

Caring for Dogs

CPR dog first aid

We don't practice on live animals but have the latest Casper CPR manikin and canine manikins for practising dog first aid techniques.

Building experience

Group practicing CPR dog first aid

The course in dog first aid is very interactive and relaxed, helping you to acquire new and very important life-saving skills. No previous dog first aid experience required.